WEBINAR: The Future of Ransomware - 2023 and Beyond
Syndicated By: Iain Fraser - Cybersecurity Journalist Gibraltar

11th May 2023

DEEP INSTINCT: TALK - The Future of Ransomware - 2023 and Beyond
Presented by: Shaul Vilkomir-Presiman, Threat Intelligence Researcher and Brian Black, Director, Sales Engineering

Ransomware continues to wreak havoc—and it isn’t going away. What comes next includes an acceleration of attacks due to AI as the threat becomes less about the ransom itself and more about data extortion.

Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) has enabled less sophisticated threat actors to quickly launch attacks, lowering the bar for cybercriminals. While threat groups like Conti break up into smaller groups and re-emerge acting as offensive startups, scaling quickly for profits.

Join us on Wednesday, May 24th when our threat research experts, Shaul Vilkomir-Presiman and Brian Black, discuss the following:
  • How threat actor organizations have changed over the last decade
  • Where ransomware is headed based on new research
  • Ways you can prevent ransomware from entering your environment

About Deep Instinct

The Only Deep Learning Framework Built Exclusively for Cybersecurity. Deep Instinct was founded on a simple premise: that deep learning, an advanced subset of AI, could be applied to cybersecurity to prevent more threats, faster. Learn More /... 

About Cybersecurity Journalist - Iain Fraser

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