RANSOMWARE: Russian National Indicted for Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

RANSOMWARE: Russian National Indicted for Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure
Syndicated By: Iain Fraser - Cybersecurity Journalist Gibraltar

17th May 2023

The US DoJ (Department of Justice) has indicted a Russian national with using three different ransomware variants to attack numerous victims throughout the United States, including law enforcement agencies in Washington, D.C. and New Jersey, as well as victims in healthcare and other sectors nationwide.

According to the indictment, as early as 2020, Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev, aka Wazawaka, aka m1x, aka Boriselcin, aka Uhodiransomwar, allegedly participated in conspiracies to deploy three ransomware variants. 

These variants are known as LockBit, Babuk, and Hive, and Matveev transmitted ransom demands in connection with each. The perpetrators behind each of these variants, including Matveev, have allegedly used these types of ransomware to attack thousands of victims in the United States and around the world. These victims include law enforcement and other government agencies, hospitals, and schools. 

Total ransom demands allegedly made by the members of these three global ransomware campaigns to their victims amount to as much as $400 million, while total victim ransom payments amount to as much as $200 million. Learn More /...

Cybersecurity Journalist Gibraltar
Image Credit: Christiaan Colen

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