Cybersecurity 2023: Reinforcing Defences - Netwrix
Syndicated By: Iain Fraser Cybersecurity Journalist Gibraltar

Want to stay one step ahead of cyber threats? Learn which cyber risks are most likely to impact organizations in 2023 and the key strategies to manage them by getting your copy of the new Cyber Chief Magazine

Despite substantial increases in cybersecurity defences around the globe, 2022 was another year of high-profile cyber-attacks. Moreover, today’s economic and geopolitical uncertainty are adding to the risks that organizations face.

In order to adjust to these realities, in 2023, companies will shift their cybersecurity priorities. According to Forrester, at least 10% of budgets will move from transformation to resilience. A key strategy will be understanding the most business-critical security risks.

This edition of Cyber Chief Magazine dives into the key trends that will affect organizations of all sizes in 2023 and shares strategies that will help cybersecurity leaders prepare for the challenges and seize the opportunities. Download Issue /...
Iain Fraser Cybersecurity Journalist

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